Platform voor Extratonaliteit

🎛️ 2024/11/15 20:00 Extratonal Infrastructure #16: QOA en Primeiro @ Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) 2024/11/01 20:00 Extratonal Special #3: Sound Is Political @ Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) 📻 2024/10/15 19:00 Radio Extratonality #9 @ Worm Radio
🎛️ 2024/10/03 20:00 Extratonal Infrastructure #15: Nightshift, (S)LOW FREQUENCIES and Become Hees Black Cod @ Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) 📚 2024/09/21 16:00 Extratonal Education #6: Collective Composing Workshop @ Klankschool, Catullusweg 11 🎛️ 2024/09/04 20:00 Extratonal Infrastructure #14: Nina Ryser, taupe, Jason Kolàr and Rio Vaupes/Uapes @ Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) 2024/08/09 19:00 Trains Always Bring You To The Future @ Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) 🎛️ 2024/05/24 20:00 Extratonal Infrastructure #13: Nene Moné, VJ Varvara, Manu Louis, Yannis Patoukas, Nicolás Kliwadenko and Brandnetel @ Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) 2024/05/04 18:00 Extratonal Special #2: "Puzzling Printers Camp" @ Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) 📻 2024/04/30 19:00 Radio Extratonality #6 @ Worm Radio 📚 2024/04/20 11:00 Extratonal Education #5: Undead Printer Hacking Workshop @ Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) 📚 2024/04/19 19:00 Extratonal Education #4: Live coding jam session with Mitsitron & Magda Arques @ Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) 📻 2024/04/07 15:00 Radio Extratonality #5 @ Worm Radio @ Rewire 📻 2024/04/02 19:00 Radio Extratonality #4 @ Worm Radio 🎛️ 2024/03/15 20:00 Extratonal Infrastructure #12: Lottie Sebes, Davide Luciani, NDNMK Solutions and Birds WG @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam 📻 2024/03/05 19:00 Radio Extratonality #3 @ Worm Radio 2024/02/24 20:00 Extratonal Special #1: Someone's Trash Is Someone's Treasure: The (Dis-)Harmonics Of Waste @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam 📚 2024/02/24 13:30 Extratonal Education #3: Oud-Charlois PCB-Dérive @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam 📻 2024/02/06 19:00 Radio Extratonality #2 @ Worm Radio 🎛️ 2024/01/26 20:00 Extratonal Infrastructure #11: Vida Vojić, Laura Agnusdei, Bernat Sanjuan and Hollowmist @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam 📻 2024/01/09 19:00 Radio Extratonality #1 @ Worm Radio 🎛️ 2023/12/14 20:00 Extratonal Infrastructure #10: Extratonal Extravaganza - Celebrating 1 Year of Extratonality @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam 🎛️ 2023/11/18 20:00 Extratonal Infrastructure #9: Rebetiko Against The Machine, Athinx, Illusory Essay of Noise, Riviera Taylor, The Salty Sebastians and dj broodje @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam 📚 2023/10/23 15:00 Extratonal Education #2: Demystifying the Æther with Matthias Hurtl @ Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) 🎛️ 2023/10/13 21:00 Extratonal Infrastructure #8: Christof Migone, Matthias Hurtl (MTHS) and the Postpeople @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam 🎛️ 2023/09/23 20:30 Extratonal Infrastructure #7: So-Fi, Joris Anne, Lyckle de Jong and DJ Thor Kissing @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam, NL 🎛️ 2023/06/16 20:30 Extratonal Infrastructure #6: Janneke van der Putten, Mitsitron and Toine Horvers: richtingen/kwartet @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam, NL 🎛️ 2023/05/27 20:30 Extratonal Infrastructure #5: Conjunto Media Luna, Kauê Werner, Mitze Apocalipze & Chucho Vinilo and AnikaTheAbsurd x Vitrinekast Soundsystem @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam, NL 📚 2023/05/27 13:00 Extratonal Education #1: SuperCollider Audio Synthesis Workshop with Kauê Werner @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam 🎛️ 2023/04/29 20:30 Extratonal Infrastructure #4: Marlene Fally & Mehrnaz Khorrami, Ragnar Árni Ólafsson & Luke Deane, M_oo and Post-talk @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam, NL 🎛️ 2023/03/17 20:30 Extratonal Infrastructure #3: Mik Quantius, Parasnol & Ruisvogel @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam, NL 🎛️ 2023/02/04 20:30 Extratonal Infrastructure #2: Eric Kinny, Tisa Neža Herlec & Friso van Wijck @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam, NL 🎛️ 2022/12/01 20:30 Extratonal Infrastructure #1: Zad Kokar, Vanita & Johanna Monk, TBA (joak) @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam, NL
Extratonal Infrastructure #12: Lottie Sebes, Davide Luciani, NDNMK Solutions and Birds WG
Date: 2024/03/15 20:00 - 2024/03/15 23:00

Door: 20:00h CET
Start: 20:30h CET
Entrance: 5 euro

According to the meteorological calendar, March is the first month of the year. This is quite appropriate when you consider that this is also the time when spring hits the scene and life slowly starts moving again (until the summer holidays,for the school year starts in August). For extratonality there is no beginning or end. Like an Ouroboros, our efforts consume themselves, only to breathe new life into our expressions. This infinite alchemical cycle is present everywhere in the work of the artists we have invited for the 12th edition of Extratonal Infrastructure. Join them on their travels on the cosmic roundabout!

Picture of the performance by Lottie Sebes. It cointains the artists playing the Veritas Ventriloquist sewing machine as a instrument.
Veritas Ventriloquist by Lottie Sebes (Photo: Kim Wichera)

Veritas Ventriloquist by sound artist Lottie Sebes is a sonic performance which questions, transforms and harnesses the historical entanglements of gender, voice and technology. At its core is the Veritas Machine - a noisy, dynamic, woman-machine interface made of dismantled and reforged sewing machines, re-envisioned as an instrument and vocal synthesizer. Through its performance the body becomes the sounding chamber for a genealogy in which machines and media have historically impressed their gendered codes, forming a shared agency through which a cyborg voice can defy the boundaries of its own gendered history.

Picture oF Davicde Luciani in front of a amplifier.

Davide Luciani is using the mixer as an instrument combined with samplers, compressors and drum synths, Luciani crafts a harshness that is at once textural and rhythmic, cerebral and visceral. Davide is active as an electronic music composer, curator and artist in Berlin. His practice spans from sound installations, electronic composition, multimedia installation, scultpure to visual arts.

Picture of NDNMK solutions with a cup of tea and an accordion.

NDNMK Solutions is an ineffective multinational; brand awareness in the trash, shareholder value like mossy old shoes hanging in the tree, its sad coffee in the stinky office. They come for live performances with sounds from the computer, yelling from the mouth, and an accordion (Weltmeister 80 bass). Scenes from the encrypted folder, eroded SIM card, forgotten RPG, the cobalt glacier, where the cameras of endoscopies and colonoscopies meet, flirt, and kiss with tongue. Bring your phone to take pictures or videos. Currently open vacancies: general assistant(1-8 hours/w), chief mix/master (1-8 hours/w), photographer (1 hour/w), marketing director (1-8 hours/w), cleaner (1 hour/w) - salary is up for discussion!

Birds WG is a healer, writer, and performance artist based in Rotterdam. Their work focuses on the complexity of the human condition and the universe. They believe in diversity and dialogue as methodologies for conflict resolution and peace. They believe that words and images are indisputable healing forces. They write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, lyrics, and text for performance. Since 2007 their performance work is an ongoing research project on how to create transcendental experiences of the written and spoken word. At Varia they will present INCOMPLETE - A Sci-fi Reading Performance in seven parts.

This event is made possible with the kind support of Popunie Rotterdam, Stichting Volkskracht, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Gemeente Rotterdam and Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie.